BMC Res Notes. 2014 Sep 2;7:589.

Activity of crizotinib over choroidal metastases in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)-ALK rearranged: a case report.

Bearz A1, Santarossa S, Manfrč A, Beltrame G, Urbani M, Sartor I, Da Ros V, Tirelli U.
Author information 1Division of Medical Oncology A, Department of Medical Oncology, CRO Aviano, National Cancer Institute, Via Franco Gallini 2-33081, Aviano, PN, Italy. 

BACKGROUND: Adenocarcinoma of the lung with EML4-ALK translocation is a rare subtype of Non Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) that has recently shown to benefit from treatment with crizotinib. Despite the concerns about the efficacy of crizotinib over cerebral metastases, some reports have described its activity, although always after local treatment with radiotherapy. Recently it has been reported activity of crizotinib over choroidal metastases, again after radiotherapy.

CASE PRESENTATION: Herein we report a case of activity of crizotinib over choroidal metastases not previously treated with radiotherapy.

CONCLUSION: We suggest crizotinib may be active over choroidal metastases in a patient harboring ALK translocation with no need of radiotherapy.

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