• 202: Front Biosci (Schol Ed). 2010 Jan 1;2:332-42

Biomarkers in neuroendocrine tumors.

Berretta M, Cappellani A, Di Vita M, Berretta S, Nasti G, Bearz A, Tirelli U, Canzonieri V.

Department of Medical Oncology, National Cancer Institute Aviano (Pn).

Here, we review the role of clinical biomarkers (tissue and circulatin g markers) in the management of neuroendocrine tumors. These tumors may originat e in different organs, from cells embriologically different but expressing commo n phenotypic characteristics, such as the immuno-reactivity for markers of neuro endocrine differentiation (defined as "pan-neuroendocrine"), the capacity to sec rete specific or aspecific peptide and hormones, and the expression of some rece ptors, that are at the basis of the current diagnostic and therapeutic approach.


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