from 9 January to 11 June 2024 - Canale Italia
Prof. Umberto Tirelli is on the Italia channel every Tuesday morning from 9.30 to 10.00, from 9 January to 11 June 2024.
Topics: oxygen zoning therapy in various pathologies (CFS, fibromyalgia, long covid, prevention and therapy of cardiovascular, cerebral and ocular pathologies, lower limb ulcers, lumbar and cervical hernias, arthrosis, etc.) and tumors ( of which I am co- scientific director for the precision treatment of various tumors).
For appointments and consultations, including online, in Pordenone and Milan, call 0434 086508.

8 March 2024 - Press release
8 March 2024 Women's Day: Fifth birthday of the Tirelli Medical clinic in Pordenone.
The clinical and scientific activities of the "Women's Clinic" are expanding!

3 January 2024 - il Gazzettino
Fatti & Persone - The Decalogue of Wellbeing 2024.
Some small tips to follow to stay healthy thanks to a healthy and easy to follow lifestyle: if you love yourself.

July 18, 2023 - Canale Italia
Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest at Canale Italia - Topic: Systemic cold therapy for fatigue and pain and local for weight loss. (Video>>)

July 18, 2023 - Canale Italia
Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest at Canale Italia - Topic: Oxygen-ozone therapy. (Video>>)

July 4, 2023 - Canale Italia
Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest at Canale Italia - Topic: Personalized cancer therapy. (Video>>)

May 28, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Salute & benessere - Alcohol doesn't hurt if there is no abuse: the truth from the studies.

April 30, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Tirelli: Cro? I see it sinking slowly. So he doesn't save himself.

April 30, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
This is how infusion therapy works.

April 19, 2023 - Messaggero Veneto
Photovoltaic films on buses effective against viruses and bacteria

April 17, 2023 - il il Piccolo
We, sufferers from Long Covid

April 17, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Cairoli and Tirelli at the Bergamo meeting

April 4, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
Viola: <<Alcohol always hurts>> But Tirelli: <<The risk from something else>>

March 26, 2023 - E'NordEst
Fight against Covid: the convivial of the Anpo.

March 26, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
"Nonsolofatica", the path from the syndrome to long Covid.

March 16, 2023 - il Gazzettino
From Friuli, the film that captures particles and pathogens present in enclosed spaces.

March 14, 2023 - Messaggero Veneto
A study by Trielli on "Scientific report"

March 5, 2023 - E'NordEst
Maurizio Costanzo: the friend and his turtles.

February 26, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
How to live longer, but without feeling "old".

February 20, 2023 - Adnkronos
Oncologist Tirelli, "Burning tobacco is toxic, it's better to heat it".

February 3, 2023 - Messaggero Veneto
Anti-smog films on buses, 95 percent effective. Study on schools and offices.

February 1, 2023 - E'NordEst
Virologists and clinical researchers: the North-East ranking.

January 29, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
Let's get rid of smog with photocatalysis.

January 16, 2023 - il Gazzettino
The Umberto Tirelli interview
Influenza, only 2 out of 10 doctors are vaccinated.

January 15, 2023 - il Popolo
Book 2 - Giada Da Ros
Not only fatigue

January 4, 2023 - Messaggero Veneto
With 150 questions and answers, Tirelli and Da Ros explain chronic fatigue syndrome.

January 2, 2023 - Mattino Cinque su Canale 5
Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest on Mattino Cinque on Canale 5 - Topic: Long covid and chronic fatigue syndrome. (Video>>)

December 18, 2022 - il Gazzettino
Here is the decalogue for a 2023 in good health.

November 27, 2022 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
Genetic tests for targeted cures of many cancers.

November 18, 2022 - Maurizio Costanzo Show
Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest at the Maurizio Costanzo Show on Canale 5 - Topic: Tumors, book on chronic fatigue and long covid. (Video>>)

November 17, 2022 - Adnkronos
Risk reduction as a public health strategy in cigarette smoking elimination.

November 6, 2022 - èNordEst
Cryotherapy as a medicine.

November 1, 2022 - il Basso Vicentino
October, the month in pink.
Pink October, the month of breast cancer prevention promoted by Andos Ovest Vicentino, once again brought together the Municipalities of Noventa, Pojana Maggiore, Lonigo and Barbarano Vicentino with a series of events including scientific information, aggregation and sport, attracting interest in the population.

October 30, 2022 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
In Europe, 17 million have experienced the Long Covid effect.

October 16, 2022 - è NordEst
Among the top 100 hospitals in the world, 6 are Italian.
Here is the ranking of the top ten clinical researchers and non-clinical researchers in North-East Italy: First our collaborator Umberto Tirelli.

October 12, 2022 - Messaggero Veneto - Pordenone
Tirelli on the podium of research in oncology and infectious disease.

October 4, 2022 - la Gazzetta del NORDBARESE
The Borgia prize awarded to the biologist Angelo Vescovi.

May 29, 2022 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
Gender medicine: women neglected in medical research.

May 23, 2022 - Cronaca Comune
Recognition of Culture and Science "Lucrezia Borgia International Award" to prof. Umberto Tirelli.

May 13, 2022 - Cronaca Comune
Quotidiano online del Comune di Ferrara
International Duchess Lucrezia Borgia Award, recognition of culture and science of the city of Bisceglie and the city of Ferrara.

April 24, 2022 - Il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - This is how titanium dioxide protection can work.

March 27, 2022 - Il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Discovering the alterations facilitates healing.

March 17, 2022 - Prof. Umberto Tirelli speaks to "Dritto e Rovescio" on Rete 4. (Video>>)

March 10, 2022 - Il Gazzettino ed. Pordenone
Tirelli Medical celebrates the third year of activity of the "Women's Clinic"

March 8, 2022 - Press release
March 8 Women's day
Third birthday of the Tirelli Medical clinic in Pordenone
"The women's clinic"

March 8, 2022 - il Friuli
Third birthday for Tirelli Medical of Pordenone.
Renamed 'The women's clinic', it officially opened on 8 March 2019 in via Vallona.

March 4, 2022 -
Ukraine-Russia war, oncologist: "Noxious nuclear radiation even at low doses"

February 27, 2022 - Il Friuli
Salute & Benessere - Functional medicine is the medicine of the future.

February 25, 2022 - Il Friuli
Covid has highlighted the problems of the health system.

February 17, 2022 - Messaggero Veneto ed. Pordenone
Euthanasia for all? I say no. Ale she loved life to the end.

February 16, 2022 - Il Gazzettino
The oncologist defends the glass of wine: «So goodbye also to beer. The tumors? Only cases of abuse ».

February 12, 2022 - il Gazzettino
Tirelli's accusation: "We treat other diseases late, the fault of those who have not been vaccinated."

January 30, 2022 - il Gazzettino
Salute & benessere - How to find the quality to live in the third age.

December 19, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Salute & benessere - Chronic fatigue, oxygen-ozone is the key therapy.

December 1, 2021 - Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest at the Maurizio Costanzo Show on Canale 5 - Topic: Social, vaccines and post-covid syndrome. (Video>>)

November 28, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Salute & benessere - The decisive "push" of the third dose.

November 11, 2021 - Prof. Tirelli also receives in Milan
From November 11, 2021I will be periodically in Milan at the Milan Day clinic via Monteverdi 5 near the central station for consultations and oxygenzone therapy with Martina Pavanello, call 0434 086508 for appointments.

October 31, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Post Covid bad debts for 1 in 2

October 30, 2021 - Libero
"Less toxic substances in electronic cigarettes"
Professor Tirelli: "It is the combustion of tobacco that hurts: if it does not burn but is only heated, the carcinogenic components go from 70-80 to 2-3"

October 28, 2021 - Messaggero Veneto Ed. Pordenone
Third dose, Tirelli says "Yes": "The antibodies were dropping And I did the flue shot"

September 26, 2021 - Press Release
Duchess Lucrezia Borgia International Award for culture and science city of Bisceglie and city of Ferrara.
Among the winners, Prof. Umberto Tirelli (Scientist in the medical field).

September 10, 2021 - il Venerdì
Why is the comparison with AIDS wrong.

September 7, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at Unomattina Rai 1 at 7.30 am - Topic: Long covid: experience of SIOOT with ozone therapy. (Video>>)

September 3, 2021 - An Italian hero "Righteous among the Nations"
Francesco Tirelli was an ice cream maker from Campagnola Emilia, a small town in the province of Reggio Emilia, who moved to Budapest in the 1930s to open an ice cream shop ...

June 30, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at UnoMattina at 7.30 am Rai 1 - Topic: COVID and post COVID syndrome. (Video>>)

June 27, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
Tumors, targeted therapy with genetic testing.

June 12, 2021 - Libero
Intervention by Prof. Tirelli on death after Astrazeneca.
The 18-year-old who died after the injection had an autoimmune disease.

June 11, 2021 - il Venerdì supplemento de La Repubblica
I remember the dark years of AIDS.
Natalia Aspesi remembers the times of AIDS in San Francisco with Umberto Tirelli in 1982.

May 30, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at Sky TG24 at 4.30 pm - Topic: Smoking and disease: how to fight them on the World No Tobacco Day OMS. (Video>>)

May 30, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
Does the vaccine help in post-Covid diseases?

May 19, 2021 - Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest at "Porta a Porta" on Rai 1 - Topic: Post COVID Syndrome. (Video>>)

La mortalità per tumore, e così per certe malattie cardiovascolari come infarto e ictus, è incrementata per ritardi diagnostici e impossibilità a procedere alle terapie previste a causa del covid-19 (infezione concomitante di Sars-COV-2, mancanza di posti letto e di posti di terapia intensiva per infarti e ictus).

May 12, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at TGR Friuli Venezia Giulia at 7.30 pm - Topic: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Post COVID Syndrome. (Video>>)

April 28, 2021 - Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest at the Maurizio Costanzo Show on Canale 5 - Topic: Post COVID syndrome. (Video>>)

April 25, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
People continue to die of heart attack and cancer more than from Covid.

April 21, 2021 - il Piccolo
Serious to postpone the diagnosis, we pay the lack of personnel.

March 21, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
The invasion of antibodies to bring down the pandemic.

March 11, 2021 - Molto Salute - Il Messaggero
The interview - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
Undergoing treatment with oxygen ozone therapy the results are there.

March 2, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at Unomattina on RAI 1 - Topic: Post COVID syndrome. (Video>>)

February 21, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
Post Covid Syndrome three months after the virus.

February 14, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at TG 1 Medicina on RAI 1 - Topic: Oxygen-Ozone Therapy in post-COVID syndrome at Tirelli Medical clinic in Pordenone. (Video>>)

February 3, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at Unomattina on RAI 1 - Topic: Post Covid Syndrome and Oxygen-Ozone Therapy. (Video>>)

January 24, 2021 - il Gazzettino - Rovigo edition
Salute & Benessere - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
Slows down the descent of those who quit smoking

January 6, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at Mattino Cinque on Canale 5 - Topic: Post Covid Syndrome and SIOOT Ozone Therapy. (Video>>)

December 20, 2020 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
The vaccine alone will not be enough.

December 2, 2020 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at Maurizio Costanzo Show Canale 5 - Topic: CFS, even after COVID, ozone therapy in CFS and anti COVID. (Video>>)

November 29, 2020 - La Verità
HIV patients no longer contagious, the conquest hidden by the epidemic.

November 22, 2020 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
Proper nutrition to prevent cancer.

November 2, 2020 - il Gazzettino
Oncologist of the Cro rises to the university chair.
Prof. Umberto Tirelli: The thanks of Prof. Berretta, to whom I wish best for his new university career, are pleased.

October, 2020 - la Città
We are on guard, but without fear

October 19, 2020 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - You live longer but quality counts

October 16, 2020 - la Verità
Fear of the virus costs 2,000 cancer deaths

October 16, 2020 - il Resto del Carlino
Growing covid swabs and increasingly effective drugs.

October 16, 2020 - La Nazione
Growing covid swabs and increasingly effective drugs.

October 16, 2020 - il Giorno
Growing covid swabs and increasingly effective drugs.

October 7, 2020 - Il Piccolo
Tirelli on the web << Attention to the pathologies most at risk >>

September 18, 2020 - Il Messaggero di Roma
There is an increasing tendency of baths in the ice, but be careful diving "do it yourself"

September 16, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
SALUTE & BENESSERE - Recognition for Prof. Tirelli included among the 1000 top scientists.

September 16, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
SALUTE & BENESSERE - The "collateral damage" of COVID.

August 8, 2020 - International Immunopharmacology
Oxygen-ozone (O2 - O3) immunoceutical therapy for patients with COVID-19. Preliminary evidence reported.
journal homepage:

July 26, 2020 - éNordest
The covid-19 will pass, we are well advanced.

July 23, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Prof. Umberto Tirelli: «Emergency over, stop alarmism».

July 22, 2020 - Prof. Umberto Tirelli

June 12, 2020 - La Verità
Football players and US football players are athletes at greater risk of ALS.

June 11, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Covid, the risk age lowered by obesity.

May 14, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Alternative treatments for cancers in Covid era.

May 9, 2020 - La Verità
Oxygen and ozone fight Covid-19.

May 8, 2020 - Il Tempo
Time to go back to life.

April 16, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Ozone is an additional weapon against coronavirus.

March 12, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - The microbiota, the host that regulates the intestine.

March 3, 2020 - Conference (Program)
Sustainability in agriculture "between needs, constraints and opportunities".
Tuesday 3 March 2020 at 10.30 am, conference room of the Municipality of Campoformido (UD).

February 13, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Eating and drinking well is the first medicine.

February 12, 2020 - Il Messaggero
Smoking, heated tobacco: weapon to reduce damage.

January 21, 2020 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at Mattino Cinque ore 9.25 Canale 5 - Topic: Smoking and pollution. (Video>>)

January 16, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Health & Wellness - Weapons to treat osteoarthritis in the knee.

January 14, 2020 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at TG 1 at 20.00 Rai 1 - Topic: Air pollution and tumors. (Video>>)

January 3, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Ten tips for spending a healthy 2020.



Umberto Tirelli

July 18, 2023 - Canale Italia
Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest at Canale Italia - Topic: Systemic cold therapy for fatigue and pain and local for weight loss. (Video>>)

July 18, 2023 - Canale Italia
Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest at Canale Italia - Topic: Oxygen-ozone therapy. (Video>>)

July 4, 2023 - Canale Italia
Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest at Canale Italia - Topic: Personalized cancer therapy. (Video>>)

January 2, 2023 - Mattino Cinque su Canale 5
Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest on Mattino Cinque on Canale 5 - Topic: Long covid and chronic fatigue syndrome. (Video>>)

November 18, 2022 - Maurizio Costanzo Show
Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest at the Maurizio Costanzo Show on Canale 5 - Topic: Tumors, book on chronic fatigue and long covid. (Video>>)

March 17, 2022 - Prof. Umberto Tirelli speaks to "Dritto e Rovescio" on Rete 4. (Video>>)

December 1, 2021 - Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest at the Maurizio Costanzo Show on Canale 5 - Topic: Social, vaccines and post-covid syndrome. (Video>>)

September 7, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at Unomattina Rai 1 at 7.30 am - Topic: Long covid: experience of SIOOT with ozone therapy. (Video>>)

June 30, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at UnoMattina at 7.30 am Rai 1 - Topic: COVID and post COVID syndrome. (Video>>)

May 30, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at Sky TG24 at 4.30 pm - Topic: Smoking and disease: how to fight them on the World No Tobacco Day OMS. (Video>>)

May 19, 2021 - Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest at "Porta a Porta" on Rai 1 - Topic: Post COVID Syndrome. (Video>>)

May 12, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at TGR Friuli Venezia Giulia at 7.30 pm - Topic: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Post COVID Syndrome. (Video>>)

April 28, 2021 - Prof. Umberto Tirelli guest at the Maurizio Costanzo Show on Canale 5 - Topic: Post COVID syndrome. (Video>>)

March 2, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at Unomattina on RAI 1 - Topic: Post COVID syndrome. (Video>>)

February 14, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at TG 1 Medicina on RAI 1 - Topic: Oxygen-Ozone Therapy in post-COVID syndrome at Tirelli Medical clinic in Pordenone. (Video>>)

February 3, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at Unomattina on RAI 1 - Topic: Post Covid Syndrome and Oxygen-Ozone Therapy. (Video>>)

January 6, 2021 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at Mattino Cinque on Canale 5 - Topic: Post Covid Syndrome and SIOOT Ozone Therapy. (Video>>)

December 2, 2020 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at Maurizio Costanzo Show Canale 5 - Topic: CFS, even after COVID, ozone therapy in CFS and anti COVID. (Video>>)

January 21, 2020 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at Mattino Cinque ore 9.25 Canale 5 - Topic: Smoking and pollution. (Video>>)

January 14, 2020 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at TG 1 at 20.00 Rai 1 - Topic: Air pollution and tumors. (Video>>)

December 30, 2019 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli at TG 1 at 20.00 Rai 1 - Topic: Chronic fatigue syndrome. (Video>>)

October 29, 2019 - Prof. Umberto Tirelli, Mauro Corona, Bianca Berlinguer... (Video>>)

October 7, 2019 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli - Topic: Diagnosis and therapy of tumors. (Video>>)

October 7, 2019 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli in TG 1 - RAI 1 at 8.00 pm - Topic: Oxygen deficiency and tumors.. (Video>>)

September 22, 2019 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli in TG1 Medicina - RAI 1 at 8.00 am - Topic: Cancer vaccines and hormonal therapy in menopause and breast cancer. (Video>>)

August 28, 2019 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli in TG 5 Salute - Canale 5 at 13.00 am - Topic: Fibromyalgia and oxygen ozone therapy.
They cut the piece on oxygen oxygen therapy that we practice at Tirelli medical group in Pordenone (tel: 0434 086508) with good results in 70 percent of patients with fibromyalgia and without any side effects. (Video>>)

May 31, 2019 - Stress syndrome and oxygen ozone therapy; smoke and tumors. (Video>>)

May 12, 2019 - Speech by Prof. Umberto Tirelli on TG 1 medicina, Rai 1 at 8.00 am - Topic: Fibromyalgia and CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. (Video>>)

April 3, 2019 - 7 in punto - 7 Gold Telepadova at 7.00 - Prof. Umberto Tirelli, a well-known oncologist from Emilia, has been living in Friuli for many years, analyzes the progress of anti-cancer therapies. (Video>>)


See all  radio/TV programs >>

Conclusion of scientific cooperation for  Aura Activator

Genetic / DNA testing (genotest) to:

1 predict the onset of certain cancers (breast, ovarian, colorectal, prostate) and

2  response / toxicity to  oncological therapies ;

3. improve the lifestyles :  nutrition, physical activity, metabolism (eg diabetes) and recommended diet

4. predisposition to Alzheimer's disease.

To schedule an appointment for the genotest (on saliva): - .: tel 0434-41416.

July 14, 2014 Predictive medicine-genotest  by Umberto Tirelli

July 28, 2014 Corriere della Sera - Health << So I made a map of the DNA, and my life has changed>> by Giusppe Remuzzi 



Umberto Tirelli

8 March 2024 - Press release
8 March 2024 Women's Day: Fifth birthday of the Tirelli Medical clinic in Pordenone.
The clinical and scientific activities of the "Women's Clinic" are expanding!

3 January 2024 - il Gazzettino
Fatti & Persone - The Decalogue of Wellbeing 2024.
Some small tips to follow to stay healthy thanks to a healthy and easy to follow lifestyle: if you love yourself.

May 28, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Salute & benessere - Alcohol doesn't hurt if there is no abuse: the truth from the studies.

April 30, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Tirelli: Cro? I see it sinking slowly. So he doesn't save himself.

April 30, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
This is how infusion therapy works.

April 19, 2023 - Messaggero Veneto
Photovoltaic films on buses effective against viruses and bacteria

April 17, 2023 - il il Piccolo
We, sufferers from Long Covid

April 17, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Cairoli and Tirelli at the Bergamo meeting

April 4, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
Viola: <<Alcohol always hurts>> But Tirelli: <<The risk from something else>>

March 26, 2023 - E'NordEst
Fight against Covid: the convivial of the Anpo.

March 26, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
"Nonsolofatica", the path from the syndrome to long Covid.

March 16, 2023 - il Gazzettino
From Friuli, the film that captures particles and pathogens present in enclosed spaces.

March 14, 2023 - Messaggero Veneto
A study by Trielli on "Scientific report"

March 5, 2023 - E'NordEst
Maurizio Costanzo: the friend and his turtles.

February 26, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
How to live longer, but without feeling "old".

February 20, 2023 - Adnkronos
Oncologist Tirelli, "Burning tobacco is toxic, it's better to heat it".

February 3, 2023 - Messaggero Veneto
Anti-smog films on buses, 95 percent effective. Study on schools and offices.

February 1, 2023 - E'NordEst
Virologists and clinical researchers: the North-East ranking.

January 29, 2023 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
Let's get rid of smog with photocatalysis.

January 16, 2023 - il Gazzettino
The Umberto Tirelli interview
Influenza, only 2 out of 10 doctors are vaccinated.

January 15, 2023 - il Popolo
Book 2 - Giada Da Ros
Not only fatigue

January 4, 2023 - Messaggero Veneto
With 150 questions and answers, Tirelli and Da Ros explain chronic fatigue syndrome.

December 18, 2022 - il Gazzettino
Here is the decalogue for a 2023 in good health.

November 27, 2022 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
Genetic tests for targeted cures of many cancers.

November 17, 2022 - Adnkronos
Risk reduction as a public health strategy in cigarette smoking elimination.

November 6, 2022 - èNordEst
Cryotherapy as a medicine.

November 1, 2022 - il Basso Vicentino
October, the month in pink.
Pink October, the month of breast cancer prevention promoted by Andos Ovest Vicentino, once again brought together the Municipalities of Noventa, Pojana Maggiore, Lonigo and Barbarano Vicentino with a series of events including scientific information, aggregation and sport, attracting interest in the population.

October 30, 2022 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
In Europe, 17 million have experienced the Long Covid effect.

October 16, 2022 - è NordEst
Among the top 100 hospitals in the world, 6 are Italian.
Here is the ranking of the top ten clinical researchers and non-clinical researchers in North-East Italy: First our collaborator Umberto Tirelli.

October 12, 2022 - Messaggero Veneto - Pordenone
Tirelli on the podium of research in oncology and infectious disease.

October 4, 2022 - la Gazzetta del NORDBARESE
The Borgia prize awarded to the biologist Angelo Vescovi.

May 29, 2022 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
Gender medicine: women neglected in medical research.

May 23, 2022 - Cronaca Comune
Recognition of Culture and Science "Lucrezia Borgia International Award" to prof. Umberto Tirelli.

May 13, 2022 - Cronaca Comune
Quotidiano online del Comune di Ferrara
International Duchess Lucrezia Borgia Award, recognition of culture and science of the city of Bisceglie and the city of Ferrara.

April 24, 2022 - Il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - This is how titanium dioxide protection can work.

March 27, 2022 - Il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Discovering the alterations facilitates healing.

March 10, 2022 - Il Gazzettino ed. Pordenone
Tirelli Medical celebrates the third year of activity of the "Women's Clinic"

March 8, 2022 - Press release
March 8 Women's day
Third birthday of the Tirelli Medical clinic in Pordenone
"The women's clinic"

March 8, 2022 - il Friuli
Third birthday for Tirelli Medical of Pordenone.
Renamed 'The women's clinic', it officially opened on 8 March 2019 in via Vallona.

March 4, 2022 -
Ukraine-Russia war, oncologist: "Noxious nuclear radiation even at low doses"

February 27, 2022 - Il Friuli
Salute & Benessere - Functional medicine is the medicine of the future.

February 25, 2022 - Il Friuli
Covid has highlighted the problems of the health system.

February 17, 2022 - Messaggero Veneto ed. Pordenone
Euthanasia for all? I say no. Ale she loved life to the end.

February 16, 2022 - Il Gazzettino
The oncologist defends the glass of wine: «So goodbye also to beer. The tumors? Only cases of abuse ».

February 12, 2022 - il Gazzettino
Tirelli's accusation: "We treat other diseases late, the fault of those who have not been vaccinated."

January 30, 2022 - il Gazzettino
Salute & benessere - How to find the quality to live in the third age.

December 19, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Salute & benessere - Chronic fatigue, oxygen-ozone is the key therapy.

November 28, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Salute & benessere - The decisive "push" of the third dose.

October 31, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Post Covid bad debts for 1 in 2

October 30, 2021 - Libero
"Less toxic substances in electronic cigarettes"
Professor Tirelli: "It is the combustion of tobacco that hurts: if it does not burn but is only heated, the carcinogenic components go from 70-80 to 2-3"

October 28, 2021 - Messaggero Veneto Ed. Pordenone
Third dose, Tirelli says "Yes": "The antibodies were dropping And I did the flue shot"

September 10, 2021 - il Venerdì
Why is the comparison with AIDS wrong.

June 27, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
Tumors, targeted therapy with genetic testing.

June 12, 2021 - Libero
Intervention by Prof. Tirelli on death after Astrazeneca.
The 18-year-old who died after the injection had an autoimmune disease.

June 11, 2021 - il Venerdì supplemento de La Repubblica
I remember the dark years of AIDS.
Natalia Aspesi remembers the times of AIDS in San Francisco with Umberto Tirelli in 1982.

May 30, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
Does the vaccine help in post-Covid diseases?

April 25, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
People continue to die of heart attack and cancer more than from Covid.

April 21, 2021 - il Piccolo
Serious to postpone the diagnosis, we pay the lack of personnel.

March 21, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
The invasion of antibodies to bring down the pandemic.

March 11, 2021 - Molto Salute - Il Messaggero
The interview - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
Undergoing treatment with oxygen ozone therapy the results are there.

February 21, 2021 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
Post Covid Syndrome three months after the virus.

January 24, 2021 - il Gazzettino - Rovigo edition
Salute & Benessere - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
Slows down the descent of those who quit smoking

December 20, 2020 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Prof. Umberto Tirelli
The vaccine alone will not be enough.

November 29, 2020 - La Verità
HIV patients no longer contagious, the conquest hidden by the epidemic.

November 22, 2020 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere
Proper nutrition to prevent cancer.

November 2, 2020 - il Gazzettino
Oncologist of the Cro rises to the university chair.
Prof. Umberto Tirelli: The thanks of Prof. Berretta, to whom I wish best for his new university career, are pleased.

October, 2020 - la Città
We are on guard, but without fear

October 19, 2020 - il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - You live longer but quality counts

October 16, 2020 - la Verità
Fear of the virus costs 2,000 cancer deaths

October 16, 2020 - il Resto del Carlino
Growing covid swabs and increasingly effective drugs.

October 16, 2020 - La Nazione
Growing covid swabs and increasingly effective drugs.

October 16, 2020 - il Giorno
Growing covid swabs and increasingly effective drugs.

October 7, 2020 - Il Piccolo
Tirelli on the web << Attention to the pathologies most at risk >>

September 18, 2020 - Il Messaggero di Roma
There is an increasing tendency of baths in the ice, but be careful diving "do it yourself"

September 16, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
SALUTE & BENESSERE - Recognition for Prof. Tirelli included among the 1000 top scientists.

September 16, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
SALUTE & BENESSERE - The "collateral damage" of COVID.

August 8, 2020 - International Immunopharmacology
Oxygen-ozone (O2 - O3) immunoceutical therapy for patients with COVID-19. Preliminary evidence reported.
journal homepage:

July 26, 2020 - éNordest
The covid-19 will pass, we are well advanced.

July 23, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Prof. Umberto Tirelli: «Emergency over, stop alarmism».

July 22, 2020 - Prof. Umberto Tirelli

June 12, 2020 - La Verità
Football players and US football players are athletes at greater risk of ALS.

June 11, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Covid, the risk age lowered by obesity.

May 14, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Alternative treatments for cancers in Covid era.

May 9, 2020 - La Verità
Oxygen and ozone fight Covid-19.

May 8, 2020 - Il Tempo
Time to go back to life.

April 16, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - Ozone is an additional weapon against coronavirus.

March 12, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Salute & Benessere - The microbiota, the host that regulates the intestine.

February 13, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Eating and drinking well is the first medicine.

February 12, 2020 - Il Messaggero
Smoking, heated tobacco: weapon to reduce damage.

January 16, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Health & Wellness - Weapons to treat osteoarthritis in the knee.

January 3, 2020 - Il Gazzettino
Ten tips for spending a healthy 2020.

December 20, 2019 - Il Friuli
Flu syndrome? Better the vaccine.

December 10, 2019 - Il Tempo
Electronic cigarettes, useful for reducing damage.

December 8, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
Health education does not work with taxes.

December 7, 2019 - La Verità
Sportsmen with SLA: it is the fault of head shots.

December 4, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
A little oxygen for back pain.

December 3, 2019 - La Verità
Too much time in front of the smartphone increases the risk of depression.

November 6, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
Gas against fatigue for cancer patients.

October 29, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
Chernobyl, the correct numbers of the disaster.

October 13, 2019 - La Verità
Defending against cancer with vaccines, the new era of prevention.

October 3, 2019 - La Verità
Heating is an earth cycle, science does not say that it is man's fault.

October 1, 2019 - La Verità
The Ebola virus returns to hit Africa. The OMS launches the alert worldwide.

October 2019 - Mensile BenEssere
Prisoners of fatigue. How to break the vicious circle.

September 14, 2019 - La Verita'
Papilloma raises the number of oral and neck tumors.

September 11, 2019 - il Gazzettino
The most precise treatments with genetic tests.

August 30, 2019 - La Verità
Italy says yes to organ transplants from hepatitis C sick donors.

August 27, 2019 - il Gazzettino
The mystery of the midfielder players: they are the most affected by the ALS.

August 24, 2019 - La Verità
Every year, one out of three elders falls: 645,000 dead and permanent damage.

August 13, 2019 -
Ozone therapy for the treatment of Fibromyalgia.

August 9, 2019 - La Verità
Opiate prescriptions prescribed by dentists are the last frontier of the buzz.

July 31, 2019 - La Verità
With heated tobacco products, the sale of cigarettes collapses.

July 27, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
Even scientists are wrong, but science is based on facts.

July 23, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
Aids, a story not yet over.

July 16, 2019 - La Verità
The "light" drug increases suicides and psychoses.

July 14, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
Not terminally ill but "chronically disabled".

July 11, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
Thanks to the scientists who dismantle the legends.

July 9, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
Global Warming: The "myth" of Greta belied by the facts.

July 3, 2019 - La Verità
Growing up with violent video games, children are not afraid of weapons.

June 16, 2019 - La Verità
Emergency plan for dementia: in Italy, 1 million people suffer.

June 5, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
The genotest, a method for early diagnosis.

May 31, 2019 - La Verità
The 23 percent of Italian smoking, but almost everyone would like to quit

May 8, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
Authorized the sale in the USA of the "non-burning" cigarette.

May 8, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
Oxygen and ozone "suffocate" pains.

April 29, 2019 - La Verità
Aerobic exercise improves thinking skills at all ages.

April 18, 2019 - La Verità
Electronic cigarettes the best anti-smoking treatment.

April 14, 2019 - La Verità
The unsuspected properties of ozone. Care, purifies the water and nourishes the earth.

April 10, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
Opioid treatment is addictive.

April 2, 2019 - La Verità
The ridiculous predictions of climate catastrophists. In 2007 there were only 2 years to save the world.

March 20, 2019 -
Sportsmen and patients: fatigue and pain control is a common goal. We talk about it in Pordenone.

March 15, 2019 - La Verità
It 'tried: retire shortens life.

March 13, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
La Spagnola, 100 years ago. But it can still happen.

March 7, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
Tirelli, the new clinic for women.

February 20, 2019 - La Verità
Oxygen-ozone therapy can cure hernias and lumbosciatalgie.

February 13, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
Fibromyalgia goes KO with oxygen and ozone.

January 27, 2019 - La Verità
More and more traffic deaths, children and teenagers suffer the consequences.

January 20, 2019 - La Verità
The best cure against cancer is a test.

January 9, 2019 - Il Gazzettino
Health, "10 commandments" for 2019.

See all articles and press releases >>


March 3, 2020 - Conference (Program)
Sustainability in agriculture "between needs, constraints and opportunities".
Tuesday 3 March 2020 at 10.30 am, conference room of the Municipality of Campoformido (UD).

April 12, 2019 - Speaker at the conference "Health protection, choice of doctor and organizational issues" at the headquarters of the Historical Worker Society of Pordenone with the title "The problems related to the shelter of 'acute' and 'subacute'".

March 22, 2019 – Meeting "From sport to patient: the control of fatigue and pain as a common goal". On March 22, 2019, at 5:00 pm, at the Ridotto of the Municipal Theater G. Verdi in Pordenone. (Program)

October 20, 2018 - Conference on Fibromyalgia. October 20, 2018 at 3:00 pm, at Hotel Datini Viale Marconi, 80 - 59100 Prato. (Program)

September 15, 2018 - Theoretical and practical course of Oxygen Ozone therapy, pain treatment. (program)

June 30, 2018 - Syracuse, VII European Conference on Cured and Chronic Cancer Patients, "Physical Issue", Chairman.

June 14-16, 2018 - Palo Alto, California, Visiting Professor at the Clinic of Infectious Diseases and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome of Stanford University, directed by Prof. Guillermo Montoya.

June 8, 2018 - Thiene (VI), And ME / CFS Worldwide Tour at the "Casa Insieme" report on "CFS: History and Current Affairs".

January 19, 2018 - Aviano, National Congress Gicat / GIOTTO. Tumors and immunosuppression: HIV-associated neoplasms and post-transplant neoplasia of a solid organ in comparison. (programma)

January 18, 2018 - Rome, AIMAC is 20 years old. The power of thought, the light of facts. (programma)


November 9-10, 2017 – 5th INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON NEW DRUGS (AND NEW CONCEPTS) IN BREAST CANCER. Chairman. Roma (program)

October 27-29, 2017 – XIX AIOM NATIONAL CONGRESS. Chairman. Roma (program)



  See all congresses/events >>





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Prof. Umberto Tirelli

Prof. Umberto Tirelli

Scientific and Health Director

Center for Tumors and genetic testing, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Covid-19 and Long-Covid, Oxygen-Ozone therapy, sauna and local cryotherapy (abdomen, hips, etc.), microbiota and hydrocolon therapy, aesthetic medicine, nutrition medicine and diet therapy.

Pordenone, via Vallona 68/64

Prof. ac University of Pavia

Specialist in Oncology, Hematology and Infectious Diseases

Past Oncology Chief
National Cancer Institute of Aviano

Top Italian Scientist based on the scientific evaluation of his publications by the medical Journal Plus Biology, August 12 - 2019

In April 2021 I was included in the Advisory Board of the USERN (Universal Scientific Education and Research Network) with over 400 members of the world's best scientists, including 18 Nobel laureates (

For appointments in:
Pordenone and phone or video consultations
Phone: +39 0434 086508
Phone: +39 391 7646020

Oncological consultations, cancer therapy, in particular personalized biological therapy in collaboration with Toma-Lab of the State University of Milan for specialized oncological therapies.

Genetic Tests for the predisposition to oncological and non-oncological diseases.

Oxygen-ozone therapy and cryotherapy in particular for chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, tumors, multiple chemical sensitivity, herniated discs, arthrosis, and wellness.

Oxygen ozone therapy, in particular in chronic fatigue, in fibromyalgia and in tumors.

Commendatore (Italian title) of the Republic for scientific merits.

Prof. Umberto Tirelli - Commendatore

June 2nd 2015: the President of the Republic confered him the honour of "Commendatore" of the Italian Republic, for scientific merits. Honour delivered June 2, 2016.


Prof. Umberto Tirelli

November 19, 2016 in Udine, he was awarded the prize "Clessidra d'Oro 2016" (Golden Hourglass 2016) by A.D.O. FVG Onlus (Organ Donors Association), for his studies on tumors in organ transplanted, with the foundation of GIOTTO study group (Italian Oncologic Group on Tumors in Organ Transplanted) and of a dedicated clinic, directed by dr.ssa Emanuela Vaccher, within the Department of Medical Oncology at the Aviano National Cancer Institute.


Prof. Umberto Tirelli - Commendatore

August 5, 2016 in Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD), he was awarded the Premio Stralignano International, as acknowledgement for the "very important activity that he is carrying out in the international field".


Prof. Umberto Tirelli - Premio Beccaria

He was awarded the Piercamillo Beccaria 2009 Award by the Association Angela Serra in Modena for "his great contribution for elderly patients new therapies development and for his prestigious research studies on virus associated tumors". View photo >>


Prof. Umberto Tirelli - Premio Friul Tumorrow

Comitato Friul Tomorrow 2018, AIDO, Unione nazionale consumatori, Euretica e Club Unesco di Udine: Award to Prof. Umberto Tirelli for his educational efforts among youngs, for the ethics and loyalty while conducting his activities that he constantly spreads.
27 feb 2014 - Povoletto - Udine.
View photo >>


Prof. Umberto Tirelli

29 May, 2003 he was awarded the IV Premio della Televisione Italiana as "acknowledgement for scientific communication".


Prof. Umberto Tirelli

December 7, 2019, the President of the regional council Piero Mauro Zanin, gives the award "Natale friuliano 2019" to Prof. Umberto Tirelli.


Prof. Umberto Tirelli

He is the winner of the "Duchess Lucrezia Borgia International Prize", recognition of culture and science of the city of Bisceglie and the city of Ferrara (Bisceglie May 22, 2022).



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